Wednesday, November 18, 2015

| NAKED | Young Mom: My struggles

Hey you guys! So this was a harder video for me. It's very real and raw for me and these are my personal struggles with being a young mom. I know everyone is different but I thought if I could help anyone feel not alone then I am happy! Let me know if you guys have ever felt this same way! I think we all (including me) try to pretend or fake that everything is good when really we are struggling inside. I really hope to help open people up more and realize that a lot of people (Mom's or not) struggling with the same things. 
This is just one of many more videos like these. I hope you guys enjoy! 



  1. What an awesome story, Cort! I haven't watched any of your videos before and I am not a young mom, but what an awesome reminder of the importance of finding yourself and changing your own life before you can change anyone else's. Love it :)

  2. Fantastic video! I totally get everything you said 100%. So happy you found what you love and shared it. You definitely gave me a boost in figuring out what I'm supposed to do-besides being a mom & wife. Thanks for sharing! I'm so grateful I've met you , you are wonderful! -RaeAnn
