Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Vlogging Friday! ~Sephora,Cousins & Smiling Baby Jayda!~

Hey guys!! So last Friday we had a lot of fun! The cousins came over and we had a turtle in our pool we had to return him home, I also went to Sephora to get some makeup!! I hope you guys enjoy this!!

Very soon baby #3 will be joining us for our vlogs! Can't wait!


Vlogging Friday! ~Sephora,Cousins & Smiling Baby Jayda!~

Hey guys!! So last Friday we had a lot of fun! The cousins came over and we had a turtle in our pool we had to return him home, I also went to Sephora to get some makeup!! I hope you guys enjoy this!!

Very soon baby #3 will be joining us for our vlogs! Can't wait!


Saturday, July 26, 2014

39 week pregnancy update! ~Contractions, labor & almost done!~

So crazy I am SO close to having this baby! It's so close yet it seems so far! Well I hope you guys enjoy!!


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Vlogging Saturday! ~Pedicures with the girls & Purge!~

Hey guys!! So last Saturday Nevaeh and my mom and I went to get Pedicures before baby #3 comes!! It was a fun relaxing day! 
I hope you guys enjoy!


Friday, July 18, 2014

Vlogging Friday! ~Dentist,coffee & Transformers~

Hey guys! So we did have an interesting day last friday! Poor Austin had the Dentist which now I am afraid he is scared of ever going to again. But I hope you enjoy!! Pretty soon and there will be another kid joining us!!


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

37 Week pregnancy update! ~Super Low baby!~

Hey guys! So here I am 37 weeks! Officially full term! This baby can come whenever now! Which I hope he stays in a bit longer so he can get a bit chubbier! I hope you enjoy this quick update!


Thursday, July 10, 2014

36 Pregnancy Update! ~Ultrasound,evening primrose oil & I'm dilated!~

Hey guys!! So I can't believe it's getting down to the time for me to meet this baby so soon!! I will now be updating every week! I will be one week behind though. I hope you guys enjoy this!! 


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Writing down my thoughts... Pregnancy & this soon to be child in my arms.

Baby #3
Hey guys! So I have had a lot on my mind lately so I decided to actually blog about it! *Gasp* I know I haven't actually written a blog in awhile, just vlogs. Mostly because I'm horrible at writing. So bare with me as I write this.  Here goes...

This pregnancy is coming to an end. I am feeling super excited to not be pregnant anymore, no more heartburn, I could sleep on my back, I could paint my toe nails without help, I could bend over, wear my cute clothes again. I mean my list could go on and on and on. Literally! But I am feeling very strange about this baby being my last. I know for a fact three is our max, but it's still weird thinking there won't be a baby in my tummy dancing around in there ever again. I mean ever ever again. Ever. This pregnancy is going by so fast I just want it to slow down a tad. Besides the fact I can't get out of my head the strangeness of having three children! I know I will love it, I know my kids will love it and I know Ethan will love it. It's just going to be different. Different is good. I, however, get emotional about change. I remember the couple weeks leading up to having Nevaeh and I got the same way. Thinking things like: Austin won't be my baby anymore, will he like his sister, can I love them equally? That's how I am feeling today. Maybe it's just my anxiousness of having this baby that is making me feel this way. I have no idea. I wonder, am I the only pregnant Mom who feels like this?  Don't get me wrong I am so frickin excited to meet this guy and see his little face and snuggle the crap out of him, see his personality as he grows up, and see who he will turn out to be. Trust me I'm more excited to meet him than anything in this world right now. 
Anyways that is kind of how I am feeling! Please let me know if you felt like this too or if I'm just being crazy and over thinking (which I do a lot!) 

Hope you enjoy this quick snippet into my brain at the moment!


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Vlogging my BIRTHDAY! ~Baby Jayda!~

Hey guys!! So my Birthday was Friday and we had such a great time! Rachel's baby Jayda was around so we got to hold and snuggle her! It's making our family so excited for our new little one soon!! I also had a great Birthday!!



Saturday, July 5, 2014

Vlogging Friday & Saturday? ~Baby yet? Soccer games~

Hey guys! So this vlog was from last Friday and Saturday! I started vlogging on Friday but I took such a long nap I decided I should vlog on Saturday too!! I hope you enjoy!!
